New Home AC Checklist

September 3, 2019

Buying a new home is an exciting time. While you’re probably busy unpacking and getting the place decorated, don’t forget about your new home’s AC system. There are certain things you should know about your AC right off the bat. Certain information will determine what the maintenance and replacement schedule will look like. Here at Advanced Comfort Solutions of Cheyenne, we’ve seen too many cases where new homeowners are blindsided by a broken AC because they didn’t realize its age or condition. That’s why we put together this helpful checklist for you to follow. 1. Look Up the AC’s Age Most air conditioners will last 10-13 years before they become so unreliable that they need replacement. Many factors can impact the lifespan, though, including how well the AC was maintained by former owners. Knowing your systems’s age allows you to plan for the eventual replacement instead of getting blindsided by it breaking down unexpectedly.  2. Check the AC’s Energy Efficiency Not all air conditioners are made alike when it comes to energy efficiency. High-energy efficiency units consume less electricity and lower your monthly energy bills. Sometimes air conditioners even become less energy efficient as they age. To figure out how efficient...

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