Signs Your AC Was Damaged in a Storm

August 10, 2021

Extreme weather conditions can damage your AC unit. It’s usually easy to notice when a storm has damaged your unit, but some problems might not be as instantly noticeable. Noticing storm damage to your AC system early enough allows you to get a prompt fix before total equipment failure. Here are a few signs to look out for after a storm. Burning Electrical Smell A burning electrical smell is one of the first signs of damage in any electrical appliance. If you notice a foul smell of electrical burning, it is best to treat it as a warning sign of damage to your AC equipment. It is highly advisable to turn off the air conditioner as soon as you notice the smell and call in the AC repair experts for an immediate assessment. Strange Noises One of the reasons your AC is emitting strange noises is the lodging of debris and sand particles in the unit. After a stormy season, it is recommended to inspect and clean up your outdoor AC unit. This is because strong winds can blow debris into your AC, which may destroy crucial components. You could end up with twisted or cracked fan blades. Reduced Cooling...

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How To Prevent Bugs from Coming Through Air Conditioning

July 13, 2021

Bugs usually come in your air conditioner for two main reasons. One primary reason is shelter, and secondly, they come looking for food. They always use the conditioner lines to get in your air conditioning unit. There are some proven techniques that you might apply to prevent bugs from coming through your AC unit. Caulk Out Large Gaps An effective method of keeping bugs away from your air conditioning unit is by using caulk. There are various types of caulks available in the market. Do research before and seek the best caulk for your needs. Caulk usually depends on your requirements, such as removable and malleable caulk. Use Duct Tape Check for any visible cracks around your window and the AC unit, and use duct tape to seal them. Duct tape is usually an ideal solution for an instant seal. Additionally, duct tape is beneficial and suitable for horizontal panels. However, it is essential to note that the duct seal is not a solution to all cracks. Be sure to seal large cracks using other methods. Use a Cardboard Using cardboard is a cheap and straightforward way of preventing the migration of bugs into your home through the air conditioner....

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How To Reset Air Conditioning Unit

June 21, 2021

If you think your AC isn’t working, then we recommend resetting it back to normal. Resets are a solution for AC units that don’t blow out the chill settings you activated. Power outages will also deactivate your AC unit, requiring you to do a manual reboot to bypass the surge protectors of your building. Why Many Electronics Work Better After Restarting Them As with most electronics, rebooting enables your AC to recalibrate. Repowering your AC can cause it to recognize its failure and even correct it. Here are some steps to take when rebooting your AC. Find Your Power Supply, and Safely Turn It Off Some AC units are equipped with a reset button, which restarts your unit with a single press. Manual reboots, however, are necessary if your system doesn’t have a reset. Manual reboots, instead, use the power switch of your system, which is found on the compressor. Be sure to: Organize yourself Use safety equipment Cut the power Let your unit sit Giving Your Appliance Time to Dissipate Power Powering your unit off immediately stops any malfunctions it has. Residual power, as it sits within your AC, will lead your AC to keep cycling its malfunction. You...

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What Size Air Conditioner Do I Need for My Home?

May 13, 2021

Summers are hot in Cheyenne, WY, and you’ll need a properly functioning air conditioning system to keep you comfortable and in a pleasant mood while you relax at home. When it’s time to replace an old, failing or inefficient air conditioner, you might wonder what size the new one should be. Air conditioners are sized with British thermal units (BTUs). Follow these steps to determine the right capacity of cooling system for your Cheyenne home. Calculate BTUs Per Square Foot Most Cheyenne-area homes will need 15 to 20 BTUs per square foot of space. For example, if you have a 1,800-square-foot home, plan to purchase an air conditioner with a 30,000 BTU capacity. If the available air conditioners include a 28,000 BTU and a 32,000 BTU system, choose the product with the higher capacity. Consider Your Home’s Unique Features If your home has many large windows, you’ll need an air conditioner with a higher BTU capacity. You’ll also need more BTUs if your home is poorly insulated, receives full direct sunlight, or has more than four people living in it. Ask for a Load Calculation For a precise determination of what size of an air conditioner your home needs, ask...

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Why is My Air Conditioner Making Noises?

April 5, 2021

Most electrical appliances, like fridges and air conditioners, produce some noise as they operate. However, most modern air conditioners run quietly and with minimal noises. Therefore, if your air conditioner is making irritating or loud noises, there could be an issue with the system. There’s no point in subjecting yourself to living with a noisy cooling system that interrupts your relaxation. Hire a certified HVAC technician to fix the problem. Some possible reasons behind a noisy AC are explained below. Worn-Out Compressor Air conditioner compressors are often noisy. However, the component could be worn-out or faulty if it makes an unusual noise or is louder than usual. Consider calling a technician to inspect the compressor and fix it before it affects other components or the AC itself. Faulty Fan Air conditioners have one fan at their front end and another at the rear end. The two AC fans should be functioning correctly for the cooling system to provide the comfort you need in your Cheyenne home. Fans require regular maintenance and cleaning for them to work effectively. If the rattling or humming noises seem to originate from the fans, then you’ll need an expert to check on the fan blades....

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How to Drain a Hot Water Heater

March 9, 2021

You should drain your water heater once a year. Doing so removes sentiment, which helps it operate more efficiently and last longer. It’s a simple process that won’t take much time out of your day. Quick Flush Connect a hose to the water heater’s drain valve and run it outside. Open the drain valve for a few moments and then close it. This step will help loosen any sediment stuck to the bottom of your water heater. Turn Your Water Heater Off If you have a gas water heater, shut the gas supply off. Turn off the power to an electric water heater. You need to next shut the water off using the valve on the cold-water pipe. Open a Faucet Open a hot water tap on a faucet that’s close to your water heater. This will reduce pressure, so the tank can drain faster. Open the Drain Valve Open the drain valve again on your water heater. Be careful as the water will be hot. Let all the water drain out. Once that happens, turn on the cold-water supply to stir up and remove any remaining sediment. Turn it off and on every few seconds until the water running...

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How To Test Indoor Air Quality For Mold

February 11, 2021

Most homeowners in Fort Collins, WY, are shocked to learn that the air in their houses is two to five times more polluted than the outdoor air. There are many types of indoor air pollutants, including dust, bacteria, viruses, spores, vapors from cooking, and volatile organic compounds that off-gas from products. Mold spores are of particular concern because they may trigger allergy or asthma attacks or breathing problems. Here’s what you should do if you think there are mold spores in your home’s air. Use Your Senses You can informally test for mold with your nose and eyes. If you detect a musty or earthy odor anywhere in your house, it’s probably caused by mold. You may also see discolored areas. Mold can appear black, brown, green, white, or a rusty color. Use an At-Home Test Kit Many companies offer at-home mold testing kits that you can use yourself. To use one, you’ll collect samples from strategic areas of your house. For example, if you have a discolored area in the corner of your bathroom, you would swab that area to collect a sample. Most of these kits are done through the mail. Once the company receives and tests your...

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How is Indoor Air Quality Measured?

January 12, 2021

The air in your Cheyenne, WY, home could be up to five times more polluted than the air in your backyard. Indoor air pollutants lead to poor air quality. At Advanced Comfort Solutions, we use these methods to measure the quality of your home’s air. Sensors for the Measurement of the Air Quality in Your Home If you want to have the quality of your home’s air tested, there are a few options. Some providers use handheld sensors that detect the presence of different types of pollutants, such as carbon monoxide and other gases. There are also detectors for volatile organic compounds. You can also have sensors installed in your home. They measure air quality over time, and they’re able to transmit information and generate an air quality report for a specific period of time. Testing Strips for Air Quality Measurement Another way to measure your home’s indoor air quality is with testing strips. These strips are typically placed away from a door, oven, shower or window. A good place is on an interior wall, about six feet up from the floor. The strips should be exposed to the air for 48 hours. The strips absorb contaminants. They are sent...

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How to Winterize Your Home’s HVAC System

December 3, 2020

It’s important to winterize your home’s HVAC system in the fall so that it works reliably throughout the winter. You’ll thank yourself when the first winter storm hits, and your heater keeps your home nice and comfortable. Here are a few points to consider. Schedule Preventative Maintenance You should have an HVAC professional perform preventative maintenance on your HVAC system every fall. This will not only prevent it from breaking down in the winter but keep it operating as efficiently as possible throughout the cold season. Keep track of any issues you notice, such as odd odors, so the technician can focus on them. Advanced Comfort Solutions offers a preventative maintenance service for people throughout Greater Cheyenne, WY. Change the Filter Change the filter in your HVAC system before winter arrives. This will help your system operate smoothly and efficiently when it’s most needed. The last thing you’ll want is to burden your furnace with a clogged filter. Seal Your Air Ducts In the average home, up to 30% of heated air is lost to unconditioned spaces like the attic and crawlspace. You can prevent this by having your air ducts sealed. This will eliminate holes, gaps, and fallen ductwork....

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Why Is My Heat Pump Making Loud Noises?

November 16, 2020

It’s not unusual for a heat pump to make noises, especially when it’s starting up or turning off. You should familiarize yourself with its normal sounds, such as a swooshing noise when it goes into defrost mode. That way you’ll know when loud noises are a cause for concern. Clanging When you hear this noise, turn the heat pump off and inspect the fan. This sound usually means the fan blades are hitting something inside of the unit. It could be a small branch, a chunk of ice, or a part that’s come loose. You’ll likely need to have your heat pump serviced by a professional. Not doing so can cause extensive damage. For people in Cheyenne, WY, Advanced Comfort Solutions is a trusted HVAC company that services heat pumps. Squealing This sound isn’t always a problem, as the screw compressor will often make it. However, if it’s a new loud noise, it may mean the motor is going bad or the refrigerant is overcharged. Another sign there’s a problem is if you can’t get your home to a comfortable temperature. Buzzing You may hear this noise in the winter when it’s nothing to worry about. However, if it’s loud...

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