3 Benefits of Indoor Air Quality Testing

December 17, 2019

At Advanced Comfort Solutions, we know our clients in Cheyenne and the surrounding areas count on us to keep their homes at the right temperatures throughout the year. However, we also know that there is more to your home comfort than heating and cooling. If the indoor air quality inside your residence is poor, it can have severe effects on the well-being of you and your family. To take a comprehensive look at your home climate, we offer air quality testing using the AirAdvice monitor. Getting a handle on your air quality offers you some serious benefits. 1. A Safer Home Many types of impurities can get into your air supply. Some, like dust and pet dander, are irritating. Others are downright dangerous. You probably know that high levels of carbon monoxide can be deadly. However, carbon monoxide at lower levels can also be dangerous, causing headaches and nausea. Other household chemicals can be toxic at high enough levels. Air quality testing can help you address the chemical dangers in your air. 2. A Healthier Home The most common types of impurities are allergens and mold spores. Some of these are big enough to see with the naked eye. Most...

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3 Ways to Clean Your Furnace

November 6, 2019

A clean furnace is more efficient and better able to deliver warm air throughout your home. Regular maintenance service can take care of the deep cleaning, but a few simple steps can further prevent dirt buildup. Include these easy tasks to improve your indoor air experience. 1. Replace the Filter Regularly This is a simple and effective way to reduce the amount of dirt being transferred into your heater. Changing the filter every three months is advised. Dustier environments may require monthly replacement. Inexpensive fiberglass filters make this a cost-effective way to keep your furnace in good working order. Check your equipment manual for the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding high-efficiency filters. High-efficiency filters can sometimes strain the limits of the motor and reduce airflow. 2. Seal Leaky Air Ducts A leaky duct system allows dirt to enter the heating equipment. Check exposed ductwork in attics, basements or utility areas for open or poorly sealed seams. Use a metal duct tape to seal the exterior of the ductwork. This tape keeps the warm air in and the dirt out. Metal duct tape is available at your local home building supply store. If you want assistance from a professional, Advanced Comfort Solutions offers...

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Furnace Safety 101

October 14, 2019

Although furnaces have safety mechanisms to help protect your household, it’s possible for something to go wrong. In order to ensure your furnace is operating safely, you need to schedule annual preventative maintenance, change the air filter regularly and keep the furnace registers unobstructed. Schedule Annual Furnace Maintenance No matter what type of furnace you have, annual maintenance is essential to keeping it operating safely. Maintenance restores the natural efficiency loss of your furnace. You can also catch furnace problems early on by scheduling maintenance once, or preferably, twice a year. Advanced Comfort Solutions offers furnace maintenance in the Cheyenne, WY, area. We can tune any make and model of furnace you have. Our technicians are fully certified and insured. During maintenance, our skilled technicians will thoroughly clean and inspect your furnace. We’ll make sure your unit’s safety mechanisms are working correctly, too. Change the Air Filter Often A clogged air filter is a fire hazard and greatly decreases the efficiency of your furnace. Heating problems you may experience include weak airflow and high energy bills. The increased wear and tear on the furnace from a clogged air filter make it more likely to break down. You need to change...

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New Home AC Checklist

September 3, 2019

Buying a new home is an exciting time. While you’re probably busy unpacking and getting the place decorated, don’t forget about your new home’s AC system. There are certain things you should know about your AC right off the bat. Certain information will determine what the maintenance and replacement schedule will look like. Here at Advanced Comfort Solutions of Cheyenne, we’ve seen too many cases where new homeowners are blindsided by a broken AC because they didn’t realize its age or condition. That’s why we put together this helpful checklist for you to follow. 1. Look Up the AC’s Age Most air conditioners will last 10-13 years before they become so unreliable that they need replacement. Many factors can impact the lifespan, though, including how well the AC was maintained by former owners. Knowing your systems’s age allows you to plan for the eventual replacement instead of getting blindsided by it breaking down unexpectedly.  2. Check the AC’s Energy Efficiency Not all air conditioners are made alike when it comes to energy efficiency. High-energy efficiency units consume less electricity and lower your monthly energy bills. Sometimes air conditioners even become less energy efficient as they age. To figure out how efficient...

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How Do I Check My Home for Air Leaks?

August 13, 2019

An airtight home is a home that maximizes comfort and energy efficiency. On the other hand, homes with air leaks are susceptible to drafts, uneven cooling, and higher energy bills. No homeowner wants leaks, but that doesn’t stop homes from naturally developing cracks over time. As one of Cheyenne’s leading heating and cooling companies, our customers often ask us if their properties have leaks. Fortunately, you can detect air leaks using a few simple methods. 1. Detect Large Leaks With Your Hand Major air leaks are the easiest to detect since you can often feel them when you’re standing nearby. To find large leaks, simply walk around your home and place your hand near the seams of doors and windows. Drafts and drastic temperature changes are signs of air leaks. 2. Detect Moderate Leaks With an Incense Stick If you couldn’t feel anything with your hand but still suspect you have an air leak, you should move on to the incense technique. To get this test started, you’ll need to turn off your home’s heating and cooling system as well as any ceiling fans you have running. To find an air leak, light the incense stick and pass it near...

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What Are the Benefits of Duct Cleaning?

July 9, 2019

As a homeowner, you rely on your HVAC system to heat and cool your home during fluctuating temperatures. When air passes through your heating and cooling system, your ducts circulate airflow to ensure it’s properly conditioned. This process occurs multiple times a day, and it’s important to ensure that the air you and your family breathe is as fresh and clean as possible. Air duct cleaning helps remove dust and contaminants, preventing these harmful substances from circulating throughout your home. The following are just a few benefits associated with professional air duct cleaning services. Increased Energy Efficiency Clogged ducts force your HVAC system to work harder to heat and cool your home. Duct cleaning keeps your heating and air conditioning units working at peak condition, resulting in increased energy efficiency and lower utility bills. Improved Indoor Air Quality Just as dust quickly settles on the furniture in your home, dust can settle within your ducts even after a couple of hours of inactivity. Whenever your system powers up again, dust and other substances can begin to recirculate throughout your home. Having your air ducts cleaned once or twice a year helps get rid of contaminants like pet dander, dust, mold,...

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